Sunday, July 20, 2008

#5 - The Last Bale

Here is painting number 5 entitled The Last Bale. It is 7x5 on a plein air canvas panel. Actually there were to be at least 3 bales but couldn't get the ones in the distance like I liked them so. . .it became The Last Bale.
I'm not sure if I'm finished or not. I need to decide with these 100 paintings if I'm going to just paint one in one sitting and call it finished or if I'm going to allow my eye for the details to drive me crazy and try to figure out how fix each one - that could take forever since I can find a lot that I'd like to change with each one I've done so far.
There is a lot to learn with oils and I must confess I didn't think it was going to be so hard for me. My hats off to all you oil painters out there!


Susan Carlin said...

I made that decision to paint 5 paintings a week for a year in 2005, and it was the best thing I could have done. If your experience is anything like mine, you won't much like your first 40 or 50 paintings. But you'll learn with each one. And because you're going right into the next one, you'll carry that new knowledge with you, unlike the artist who puts even a week, or worse, two weeks, between paintings. I had done that before and lost all I'd learned in between efforts. Anyway, you're giving yourself a great gift to make a pile of paintings. Stack 'em, fling 'em, give 'em, list them all on eBay... it's all good. They're taking you to the 100th painting. And that one, I can guarantee, you'll love.

Karen Hargett said...

Susan thanks for your good words of encouragement. I will try to remember what you have said when I get discouraged and wonder what in the world I have committed to doing ;-) I know I'm looking forward to the 100th already and I really hope it is a good one!

Dianne Mize said...

Susan is so right, so I won't repeat what she said--just add a ditto from me.

After I retired from teaching, I vowed to launch every day painting and that I have done, for three or four hours. Sometimes I go back to it in the afternoons. And the most exciting thing about that journey is what Susan pointed out, that you take to the next painting what you learned in the previous one. I've found that keeping a sketchbook/journal along with each painting is an exciting way of recording that journey.

After a while, you will feel you're building a momentum. And by the way, you've made a beautiful sky here and a credible little piece.

Karen Hargett said...

Thanks Dianne! A journal is a good idea. Last night I was about to give up and questioning what made me think I could do this after removing paint from my canvas for the second time. I walked away for a while and picked up a different reference picture and went at it again making myself just look at shapes and avoid all details. I'll post that painting tonight when I finish it. So far it isn't bad - at least that is what I thought when I looked at it this morning LOL! I do appreciate your comments and support on this fantastic journey.