Genevieve is one of those special people who volunteers her time and money to take care of animals. She is a true animal advocate. She belongs to a group who set live traps for Ferrel cats to have them neutered or spay to keep the cat population down. Once they are stable the cats are returned to their "home" wherever that is. She volunteers her time in other ways to with other organizations.
Recently she had taken in a neighborhood cat, who I think knew to come to her. She hadn't seen this cat for a while and then out of nowhere he shows up. He was in pretty bad shape. He had been abandoned and left to die by his owner. Genevieve, fed it, took it to the vet for treatment, and then made its last days comfortable at her house. When it was time she had him put down, had him cremated, and then the spread his ashes in her flowerbed where he used to spend some of his time.
This time it was her cat, Zoe. Zoe has been ill for some time now and it has been a roller coaster for Genevieve, as you can imagine. She sent me a picture from her cell phone that she had taken of Zoe today - it wasn't very clear but this is the pastel that I've done of Zoe to take to Genevieve tomorrow. I know it will make her cry but I think it will comfort her too.